Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Language Investigation #2

“I need a DD for my life car”. – I said this to my two best friends one night after a very bad day. My two best friends happen to be a couple, so we joke that I am their adopted child. I was under a lot of stress at this point and I felt like I just needed something to give. My friends were patiently listening to me vent, and when I stopped to take a breath, this thought just came to me. I was not presently fit to drive on the road of life. So I told them “I need a DD for my life car”. They assured me that they had my back, and from then on, when anyone of us feels a little overwhelmed, we simply ask for a DD for our life cars for a while. You wouldn’t trust just anyone to be your DD, so of course you ask your best friends. Now it’s sort of a joke, but we know that in all seriousness, we are always willing to take the wheel for a little while.

“Really?” – Now I know that this seems like a very basic thing to say, but for my friends and me, it carries a lot of implied meaning. It’s typically said with a cocked head and raised eyebrows, and in a sarcastic tone. I have no idea how this got started, but it gets said very very frequently. It doesn’t simply mean “really?” but more like “seriously?” or “shut up you’re full of it”. It usually results in whoever received the “really?” trying to explain themselves and everyone else laughing at them. All in good fun of course. It is a good sign in my group of friends if we make fun of you. It means that we like you and that we feel comfortable around you. The “really?” is a perfect example of that.

Abbrevs—Abbrevs is short for abbreviations. My friends and I speak in abbreviations most of the time. For example, we will say “whatev” for whatever, “jeal” for jealous, or “ridic” for ridiculous. There are many more, but I think the point is across. It isn’t that we’re lazy, but we actually think that it is very funny. We get a good laugh when someone pops out a new, creative abbrev that no one has said before, such as “ev” for everyone. That one definitely stuck. I don’t think that people don’t understand what we’re talking about so much as they don’t understand why we think it’s so funny. We don’t really either. But it is a running joke that gets put into nearly every “convo” that we have.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

I think it is cool how the way you say the word "Really?" denotes much more than just the conventional meaning of the word. Also, having a DD for your life car is an awesome concept; and it is definetly something I relate to! The way that your group of friends shortens words is pretty cool. When I read your entry, I just pictured a group of people being able to communicate complex ideas all in monosyllables!! (This kind of struck me as kind of funny). =)